Question Log

For primary research. Results will be posted in spreadsheet below.

What country are you currently living in?

What is your date of birth?

What is your zodiac sign?

Do you believe in astrology as a science?

Yes / No

How does your country view astrology? Does it play a key role in your culture? (Optional)

Open - ended question

In which ways would you say astrology is involved in your life: (Please check all that apply)

I do not believe in astrology or zodiac signs I don't know if I believe in astrology I believe in astrology and the zodiac signs I do not check my horoscope I check my horoscope occasionally I check my horoscope often

How often do you check your horoscope?

Never A few times throughout the year(rare) A few times a month(occasionally) A few times a week (often) Daily

Why do you check your horoscope? (Check all that apply)

I don't read my horoscope For entertainment For general reassurance or guidance To seek guidance on money, luck, or careers For love, relationship questions, or compatibility To learn more about myself. (Personal traits, characteristics...)

After reading a horoscope, are you likely to base your daily activities on its prediction?

Yes / No / Maybe

Do "bad news" horoscope predictions leave you feeling wary, nervous, or stressed? (Example: your daily horoscope alludes that difficult times are coming soon...)

Yes / No

Last updated

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